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Asia420 Rolling Paper V1

Regular price $88.00 USD
Regular price $84.00 USD Sale price $88.00 USD
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Asia420 Rolling V1

🖖All In One Design & Slow burn

• King size slim 107*44 mm
• 15 packs per box
• 32 Leaves + 32 Tips per pack
• Translucent Ultra Thin rolling paper
• All natural, additive-free
• Paper+Filter tips+Tray+Grinder

This standard King Size Rolling Paper includes Tips, Tray, and Grinding Plate all in one. It is very convenient to carry outdoors. Make rolling simple and relaxing.

The first product of Asia 420 United. Graphic design by illustrator - Mr.Rin

Asia has a long history of using cannabis and Aisa 420 United aims to boldly carry on that tradition. 

🌳The purpose of ASIA 420 UNITED is to gather the voices of Asian 420 brands/creators/enthusiasts, and to convey our vision of striving for the legalization of medical cannabis in Asia. We have not yet decided on the next step, but A4U will explore and prepare for a decentralized governance model, following the legalization process in Thailand and growing together. We look forward to more Trippers joining in the future, caring for and building a common GreenPlanet, LOVE & PEACE.

Asia 420 United 亞細亞420 聯合的第一個周邊產品。
發了預告很多機友認出是出自插畫師Mr.Rin之手——DJ Shiva和安保大佛與亞洲石頭人們一起在夏日海灘舉行ASIA 420派對,張著綠色大口的神獸,等待幫你卷好醒來的第一根。

• 特大號超薄 107*44 mm
• 全天然未漂白混合棕色慢燃紙 (麻漿/木漿)
• 棕色濾嘴+磁吸扣合+托盤+研磨板
• 32張/冊 15冊/盒

這款標準King Size Paper含Tips、托盤、研磨板、磁吸全一體,戶外攜帶方便,一應俱全,卷的過程也能休閒自在。

嘗試過在海邊卷的人都知道,海風會讓一切變得富有挑戰性,折疊托盤正是出場之時。如果手活足夠好的傳教士,也可以一邊騎自行車一邊操作。總之,滿滿的設計細節都在表達一個願望——連接東方石頭人們的聯合,A Green Hope!!

*The product is currently available for retail only in Thailand and parts countries. For distributor  inquiries, please contact us via email